Super mario galaxy (wii) Review (by a Friend)

Super mario galaxy (wii)
Adventure/3D platform    1-2 players
Mario does it again!
Run, jump, sproing, and fly through Dozens of levels as mario to get power stars and rescue the princess (again!)
the game has a completely new 3D world idea, with tiny planets that you can jump between and enormous planets that mean disaster for mario if you fall.
mario even has the power to transform into other creatures or objects to reach new heights, and two can play with P2 as gunner.
eventually you're gonna find a level that you just can't beat, and the music will drive you bonkers!
otherwise the music is pretty good. 5/10 for the music
the sound effects are kinda zany, consisting of enemies squashing, coins/starbits bouncing around, and mario yelling (Possibly in italian) 6/10 for the sound effects
Graphics are great for a wii game, with even realistic lava flows!    9/10 for graphics
Basically the plot is the same:
Princess is kidnapped, mario goes across worlds to save her, mario defeats bowser/other villain and saves her.
5/10 for the plot
the levels are great, and the collect stars idea is classic mario.    8/10
So the multiplayer sucks like a vacuum cleaner,
its still a great game.    3/10
controls are good.
run around with the control stick
jump with A/Shoot with B
shake to spin and twist to steer stingrays
Music 5/10
Sound effects 6/10
Graphics 9/10
Plot 5/10
Gameplay 8/10
Multiplayer 3/10
Controls 7/10
Total 7/10
Not a bad game, but definitely designed for one player
A great choice to have in your gaming arsenal!