Friday, May 21, 2010

Finding the skulls on halo wars

After completing a secondary objective in the campaign, a circle will flash on the mini-map, showing the skull's location. If the skull does not appear, you need to complete the other secondary objective.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

top ten creepy games

Hi there! it is time to list the top 10 games that give you nightmares in the afternoon!

10. welcome home.
9.nazi zombies
8.resident evil seris
7. alone in the dark
6.silent hill seris
5. bioshock of the dead
3. F.E.A.R
2.F.E.A.R 2 normal
1.F.E.A.R 2 play in dark room with surround sound full blast at night. (oh god. I had to change my shorts 4 times while playing this game.:) )

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Call of Duty 3 Tips

1. find cover and STAY in cover!!
2. conserve your ammo ( you might not know when you need it!)
3.stay with your troops! They'll save your butt!
4.have fun.
5.remember war is a contact sport use melee.

Nazi zombies!

Tips for slaying zombies!

Rules for all rounds
1. Play with friends. They are a big help
2. Do not move the couch on the spiral staircase
3. Aim for the head
4. Do not carry two shotguns
5. Do not carry two snipers
6. Do not carry a pistol after round five
7. Knife when you run out of ammo.  You might be surprised
First five rounds
1. Don't buy any weapons
2. Your knife is a big deal
3. Open the door, but do not move the couch on the spiral staircase
4. Rebuild the windows for points and protection
5. Timed right, explosive barrels are useful for getting rid of zombies
Round six to fifteen
1. Move all the objects except for the couch on the spiral staircase
2. Use the mystery box
3. Hide in the corner where the hand grenades are (stielgranate) and mow them down with an automatic weapon
4. Do not go downstairs except between rounds
5. Lasers are your best friend
Round sixteen to twenty
1. Snipers are not very useful
2. Shotguns are slow to reload, so get rid of it after it stops being a one-hit-kill
3. Look out for running zombies (runners)
4. Lasers are still your best friend
After round twenty
1. Stay next to the stielgranate for as long as you can
2. Use the BAR at the top of the stairs
3. Do not revive allies unless you are sure you are safe
4. Lasers may be the only thing that can save you
5. Go to the mystery box every five rounds
6. Only use automatic weapons and the Laser

Monday, May 3, 2010

Halo reach

Hi all! Halo Reach is coming out!